Back to School: Benzalkonium Chloride for Hand Sanitizers

Many of us know that children are more likely to carry germs. As school begins again children will be interacting with each other and with their school environments. As children are less likely to have regards for germs, they are less likely to wash/sanitize their hands as frequently as adults would. This is one of the key causes for the spread of germs in school environments. It is important to educate the youth about washing hands frequently, and at appropriate times (ex: after coughing into hand, before eating, etc.) We support healthy school and work environments at Kumar. We are all in this together, and we believe it is everyone’s responsibility to do what they can to combat the spread of germs, bacteria, and especially viruses! This is why we are proud to offer the antibacterial product known as Benzalkonium Chloride (BZK). According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, the lowest published oral toxic dose of BZK for a human is 266 mg/Kg. Compare that to alcohol-based hand sanitizers, which as little as 30 mL may be fatal in a small child (S. Bondurant et al). Alcohol-based hand sanitizers can cause alcohol poisoning when ingested. Schools should consider finding alcohol-free sanitizers to prevent children from harm. Benzalkonium Chloride would make for a great substitution, as it is just as effective as alcohol-based sanitizers without the toxicity. Consider using Benzalkonium in your sanitizer and hand wash formulations for a safer, kid-friendly approach. See the link below to review the mentioned information source, a study that shows the effectiveness of BZK in hand sanitizer solutions Source Link Tweet more insights Share the Post: