Copper Pyrithione

Kopthione Cu

Kopthione Cu Powder is a light green crystalline type fine powder. It exhibitspronounced growth inhibiting activity against a broad spectrum of both gram negative and gram positive bacteria.Inhibits the growth of fungi, both yeast and mould. It is insoluble in water and inhibits the growth of algae. It is used as a marine antifouling agent. It is used in marine paints when a more gellingresistant antifoulant is required.


Copper Pyrithione


Chemical Name

Copper Pyrithione


Molecular Weight


CAS number



EINECS number





Nearly odourless to mild



Olive green coloured powder


Sparingly soluble in water 4.93 mg/l at 20 C; 6.11 mg/lat 30 C. Slightly

improvedsolubility in organicsolvents.

Application & Dosage KOPTHIONE CU can be used in Copper Pyrithione Powder is highly effective antifouling agent for the control of hard fouling marine organisms such as seaweed and bacterial and diatom slimes. CPT is mainly used in antifouling marine paint, building coating, metal processing and pesticide fields. CPT and its like products have tremendous potential and broad space in pesticide field with properties of high efficiency; environmental protection, hypo toxicity and broad spectrum. It can be used in antifouling coatings to be applied on the underwater part of ship and boat hullsor static marinestructures. Normal additionlevels are in range 2 to 4% by weight

Stability & Storage Store in a cool, dry area away from direct sunlight
Marine paints